Skill erosion is a major challenge for Salesforce professionals, it is estimated that each year professionals lose more than 25% of their skills with each subsequent Salesforce release or an update if they don’t keep up.
It is not about winging it, it is about actually understanding the ‘WHY’ and helping the professionals succeed with a fulfilling career.
CRM Mentors helps you understand these challenges and helps you stay relevant.
Our Mentorship program allows highly motivated individuals to unlock the potential of the mentees.
10 years industry experience, 5 years with Salesforce
Salesforce Community volunteer
Business and/or technology leadership
Help spread the joy of success and satisfaction by providing right guidance and challenge the status quo of your mentees.
Career entry barrier is non-existent for Salesfore professionals. This may lead to ‘Disguised Unemployment’. You can help reverse the trend
Help yourself by helping others. Step out of your comfort zone and explore a new dimension of volunteering.
Like minded professionals coming together and helping hone the next generation of Salesforce professionals. It is global and needs to happen now! Let us join together to create the movement.